Ammonia/Alcohol Control



International customers should contact for price and availability.

  • 3-year refrigerated shelf life from date of manufacture*
  • 4-month open vial stability when stored at 2ºC–8ºC*
  • Liquid, ready-to-use
  • Three levels

Monitor the performance of ammonia and ethanol assay methods at three clinically significant levels. Our Ammonia/Alcohol Control is perfect for use with most major chemistry analyzers including: Roche Cobas, Siemens Dimension, Abbott Architect and Beckman Coulter AU Instruments.*

Ammonia/ Alcohol Analytes*
Ammonia, Ethanol

* Refer to the package insert of currently available lots for specific analyte, stability claims and instrument compatibility.
Catalog # Contents Size
1311-31 Level 1 3 x 5 mL
1312-31 Level 2 3 x 5 mL
1313-31 Level 3 3 x 5 mL

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