GeneProof BCR/ABL Major PCR Kit

GeneProof BCR/ABL Major PCR Kit



The PCR kit is designed for quantitative detection of the p210 transcripts of the BCR/ABL fusion gene by the real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method.

Method consists in amplification and detection of the target sequences of the Major variant (Mbcr, p210) of the BCR/ABL fusion gene using allele specific fluorophore labelled probes. The fusion gene BCR/ABL (transcript types b3a2, b2a2) target sequences are detected in FAM fluorescent channel. To control sample quality, RNA extraction process and RT-PCR process the kit uses the mRNA detection of the gene for human ABL. Amplification of this control mRNA is visualized in the HEX channel. This detection technology of the naturally occurring human mRNA provides control of the whole diagnostic process, i.e. sample quality (sample RNA degradation), RNA extraction efficiency, reverse-transcription step efficiency (transcription
of RNA into cDNA) and PCR amplification efficiency (PCR inhibition). The detection kit takes advantage of the "hot start" technology, minimizing non-specific reactions and assuring maximum sensitivity. The test is suitable for determining the level of patient's molecular response to applied treatment, long-term monitoring of the minimal residual disease and possible relapse prediction. Kit is designed for in vitro diagnostics and provides both qualitative and quantitative detection.

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Product name Cat. No. Technology Package
GeneProof BCR/ABL Major PCR Kit BCRABL/MAJOR/025 One-Step RT real-time PCR 25 reactions
GeneProof BCR/ABL Major PCR Kit BCRABL/MAJOR/025 One-Step RT real-time PCR 25 reactions
GeneProof BCR/ABL Major PCR Kit BCRABL/MAJOR/100 One-Step RT real-time PCR 100 reactions

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